Stephanie Forsyth



She is sassy, classy and more than a bit BadAss-y and that is why I love Stephanie Forsyth and have picked her for my cover quilter this week. This lady pulls no punches and I love it!

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With a  charming mouth like a sailor on leave and the talent  and wit to make you smile from the moment you meet her this lady rocks my quilty world.

She is a people watching, color lover  who  began her professional life as a Graphic Designer with a love of balance, contrast and negative space so  it was no surprise that these talents bled over into the world of quilting.

Her work resonates with the topics that intrigue her as well as the world around her.




She loves her family, her kitty, beer, tattoos (even if she is too scared to get one,) and learning the banjo and ukelele and you can find out more about her on her blog The Fiber Nation  or on Her professional website Stephanie .  Really.. really.. go read her blog!!  and then go look at her professional gallery!



* Want to spread the word about amazing quilt artists like Stephanie and all the others I feature here?   Share this post on your own Fb time line and Pin it on Pinterest if you are a member- Thank you!


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