Wow.. so far I have barely told you about day one, but let us press on to day two!

This is where I want to tell you about a lady that saved my skin ( more on that in a moment)  at Quilt Market, she is not only loverly but has an amazing new line of butter soft denim fabric called Cross Roads Denim.  Did I also mention a new book on the way?



Amy Barikman of Indygo Junction fame  has hit it out of the ball park this season with not only her new line of Butter soft Denims but also a line of totally fresh feeling bandanna print fabric that can go from feeling very Prairie Chic to down right BoHo depending on the pattern it is used in. Meeting her was a true joy and at that point I did not even know she would be saving my butt later that night!


Her booth was so inspirational  and the red headed cutie.. well she was just sweet as pie and cute to boot don’t you think??

As for the saving… The very swell Ms. Barickman was so kind as to give me a lift back to my hotel when my  late rainy night cab did not show up and my alternative was going to be to walk back to my hotel at night in a strange city (ummm, no). She and her booth staff were so kind and I am forever grateful!  Please share in my big THANK YOU to Amy and staff by darting over to her Indygo Junction  facebook page, seeing her new fabrics and leaving her some love.

Let’s see..what else!  Oh yes.. Lets’ talk about food at market…  Food in the convention center was standard fair at best but there never seemed to be a shortage of Voodoo Donuts around goodness knows. But I kept on my virtuous and yet boring path by  eating my protein bar (gag)

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and not the delish looking pastries that abounded, but wow that was way hard.  Add to that Salted Caramels at one booth and old fashioned Taffy  at another and on and on.  If these people ever give up on fabric they can totally go into the candy biz in a heart beat!


And what about the giant swan you ask?..  Well yes there was a giant swan.. and oddly I walked by it two times before seeing it, that is how distracting market can be!



In fact the Michael  Miller booth even won a prize for best decor.. but hell what do you expect when you bring a swan big enough for 3 people to sit in!


Of course there were more people the next day.. and so many that I did not get pictures with!.. next time I will get more.. but I did snap shots with …


Rose Hughes and her new book Design, Create, and Quilt: How to Design a Quilt: Lessons, Techniques, and Patterns  I can’t say enough about this book not to mention the wicked funny sense of humor of the author.. she is a blast!

Speaking of fun this lady rock my world and i was so happy to meet up with her!


I could not have been more thrilled than to personally give a BAQS pin to Kelly S.  Meeting those people that you have come to enjoy so online really is the best BadAss parts of Market!

Speaking of BadAss I could not let another quilting event go by without meeting this ball or energy.. truly she makes the Energizer bunny look like a slacker.. Of course I am talking about none other than Lisa McAwesomebutt Sipes. Quite possibly one of the most dynamic quilters I know.. but add to that sweet and yet salty.. yes folks like a Salted Caramel if you dipped it in rum and then lit it on fire.. that is Lisa and I like her that way!


Well damn I am exhausted.. I guess this post series is going to be a 3 parter!   But don’t forget to sign up for the the fabric giveaway from the first Spring Quilt Market post that you can find here!

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