Perfect Circles

Perfect Circles

Circles are very popular right now in the sewing and quilting world but they can be sort of bear to make unless you know this little tip.

This version makes a tidy finished edge circle that is just right for quilting, crafting and sewing in general.

Easy Perfect Circles

Easy Perfect Circles

You Will Need-
Circle template of heavy craft stock or chip board – I used cardboard coasters from the $1 section of Target.
Aluminium foil- Heavy duty kind in best and can be reused a zillion times. 
Fabric of choice
Hot Iron
Spray Starch

Cut your fabric circle and your foil just a bit wider than your circle, rough cutting is just fine. Cut enough to turn under but no so much that you have a lot of bulk. I personally clip the corners on my fabric but don’t round it.. I be lazy!

Pleat the fabric around the circle then pull the foil up around this to hold in place.. this is where the heavy duty foil makes it worth it.. it is much stronger and holds even stubborn fabric in place.

Smooth the edges with your finger so you don’t get any little crimp marks.

Iron on both side and then LET IT COOL

Pull off foil and slip circle out from under the fabric.

Shoot fabric with a bit of starch and then press again for the hell of it- I am an over doer like that.

There you go.. circle perfection!

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