Longarm Lust-

You know you have it when you spend all of  your spare time walking around the house with a tapemeasure figuring out where you might possibly be able to put a 12 foot long machine and all the other things that come with this acquisition!

Only after that do you sit down and starting looking at the numbers and figuring out which one of your kids “just isn’t college material” so that you can fund this rather expensive venture without going into a sink hole of debt.   Come one.. you know it is true.

There is no way around it, buying a longarm is a big commitment both in space and in money but it can also be one of the most exciting and rewarding adventures you will ever go on. The key is mapping out your journey ahead of time so that you don’t have any unfortunate surprises  after saying yes to something that most likely costs more than your first car!


The Key to Space –








Unless you are an art quilter who only works on a small scale your machine it going to take up some serious room.  Most longarms can be configured for 4, 8 and 12 foot length with others doing 5 and 10 and some going as long as 14 feet ( there might be longer machine but I have never seen one!) Remember you will then need room to get around it as well as room to use it and get behind it if you ever way to do laser guided work or pantographs. So minimum you will want is a  15 x 8 space. Have people gotten by with less.. sure!  but crawling under your machine gets very old – ask me how I know!   So know thy space!

The Key to Affording –

Longarms are expensive!  Starting new at about $15 K and going quickly up from there depending on brand and features this is not a choice you make on the fly ( ok, I did and I am very happy with my machine but I BEG you not to do what I did, others have a lived to regret it!)

Can you afford  longarm? only you know that. But I will put in a STRONG admonishment not to think of a longarm as a big time money maker and if you have never longarmed remember you are going to need some serious time to become proficient enough to contract out to people.  I highly recommend saving up for your machine so that you will not have the pressure of payments if  those would stretch your budget some place that it cannot go.  Some are lucky, they pick it up quickly and can be running a young business in mere months but let me say I know way more who are well into a year with their machines before they felt confident enough to quilt for others.

Of course for some a loan or financing will be their only option and that is ok, just remember that you will be giving up time quilting for yourself if you are  slave to quilting for others to make the payments on your machine.  So up shot- make sure the payments are very reasonable, and again. if you have to, wait and save.

Key to Thinking About It.

gordons fisherman







Here is where I am also going to put in my plug for getting a longarm and not thinking of it as a business, but as a way to enjoy quilting even more and  fulfilling  your persona goals as an artist.  While there is no doubt that these machines are expensive, they are no more expensive than owning a boat or motorcycle for personal recreation. The argument that these machines must earn their keep seems a bit silly since  lets face it, you did not expect your mate to become the Gordon’s Fisherman just because they got a boat. So why should you be forced to  make a longarm a business  if that is not your goal?

Longarms are but one of the amazing options we have out there for today’s quilter, in fact some of the most stunning quilting I have ever seen  done was accomplished on a domestic machine so  take heart that even if your longarm lust is in overdrive  with no chance of getting one now that it need not stop you from doing amazing quilting no matter your machine or the space you have to do it in.












and speaking of keys.. I was at my local quilt store today and saw these and thought of all of you!    So for a bit of mid-week fun I will be giving these  Quilted Key Covers away!   Just leave a comment answering the question- Are you thinking about a longarm and if so what are you concerned about?

I will draw for the winners (2) On Saturday evening the the 8th of  June. Must check back here or on the BAQS Facebook page to find out if you have won!

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