
You would think it would get old.. another week, another new quilter who does amazing work… Yah, you are right.. No way!.. and again another week and another amazing quilter.. YES!

This week I am thrilled for you to meet Joy Voltenburg.

Joy has been quilting since 2002 and like most started on a domestic sewing machine for both piecing and quilting. Her passion soon became the quilting end of the process with a drive to find a way to replicate what she was seeing in her head.  That lead Joy to  buy a Voyager  on a Hinterberg frame.

Like most quilty things this snowballed into designing her own quilt tops and each time adding a new technique so that she could gain practice on a new method of quilting.

Soon trapunto caught her eye and her quility heart and is now featured in one way or another in all of her quilts.

Joy is one talented quilter and  has just gotten done having a quilt in the  2013 Paducah  Quilt show along with other national competitions.

Of course sometimes she has to leave her machine and go to her day job as  a web and print graphic designer and instructor but we all know that quilting is never very far from her mind!

In  2012 joy upgraded to a A1 Longarm Quilting Machine  and now the sky is the limit!


To see more of  Joy’s work pop over to her blog and enjoy!


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