Welcome back to yet another week in COVID time.. we are on to project three in the Cutter Quilt Countdown series where we are working our way to the holidays with gifts for all of our BadAss Quilting peeps.

I will take moment here to remind you that your time and talents are worth being appreciated so don’t give your quilty gifts to people who are never ever going to appreciate them. There are plenty of coffee shop gift cards and organic soap collections to gift these people without having them give the polite nod to your hard work no matter if it was a simple but charming pincushion or the huge investment that comes with making a quilt.  Reserve your quilty gifts for people who squeal with delight, swoon with happiness and tear up with the thought that you were thinking of them. THEY are the people worth your time.

Cutter Quilt Pin Cushion

Anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows that while I might be the BadAss Quilter I LOVE me some cute shit. If it is cute AF I am here for it, so making a pin-cushion from not only a sweet vintage teacup but also a pretty piece of vintage quilt is indeed my jam!  If you are the sort of person who likes the crafty side of quilting as well as having a thoughtful gift at the ready this is the project for you!

Thrift stores are usually brimming with single teacups looking for their next life and while you are there look for abandoned old linens with great embroidery as well as old quilts that are ready for a new life as well. A bit of batting, some hot glue, some floss and some buttons and you are on your way. Once you get in the groove it would be easy to make quite a few of these for those quilt friends that we are all missing so much right now.

Heck, think about using this project as a spring board towards maybe a holiday gift swap (socially distanced of course) to help keep those connections with people you are not getting to see enough of these days! I love the idea of socially progressive quilters seeking each other out in both real life and virtually, spending time together and creating large, vibrant quilting gangs that are open tables to those who are often left behind in the old-school guild model. Heck be an agent of BadAss change in your own guild long as you are at it.

BadAss Quilters Society is a business embodied as a movement to bring cool, socially and politically progressive Quilty People (My QP’s) together and support them in reaching out to others they meet to introduce them to the wonders of quilting and sewing. This “each one, teach one” philosophy empowers each person with skills that not only feeds their creative souls but also serves a practical function in today’s quickly changing world.

Become a BAQS Movement Maker by introducing someone you know to the page and mentor them as they become the BadAss they have always wanted to be!

Score Your Own Cutter Quilt
Pin-Cushion Inspiration Sheet

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