Sometimes the problems of the world can feel so damn big and this can leave us feeling so damn small and helpless. We cast our eyes around looking for a hero only to catch our own reflection in the mirror and know that our salvation is going to have to start with each of us taking an active part in tearing down things such a systemic racism, classism, sexism, homophobia and more.

It can be a very scary realization that there are not more “adultier adults” out there ready to clean up our mess and that it is up to us, we are the heros we need. But the question is how to start.

As fabric artists one way we can lend our talent and voices to the power of change is to be part of projects that shine a light on what is really happening and the changes that need to be made during these very dark days.

One organization that is making strides in this area is the Social Justice Sewing Academy and I could not be more pleased to partner with them to get the word out about the

The SJSA Remembrance Project   <—hint, that is a link!

Bringing together the talent of those who stitch with local  activist organizations in YOUR AREA that are looking for creative statements made of fabric to be publicly displayed  during events that help represent the important acts of solidarity as well as remembrance of those who have be unjustly murdered by community violence such as: gun violence, domestic violence, child abuse,  race-based violence, law enforcement, and gender or sexuality based violence.


These blocks and banners are one way for you to become a part of the solution to the gross inequities of life for so many. What makes this program even more special is that each volunteer in not just given any name, they are matched with a person who came from their very own community, or perhaps their  high-school or hometown. This project is very personal and deeply moving for those who participate in it.

I invite you to read more about the project  HERE and then sign up to be matched or to bring a name you would like to memorialize. Do note that the program is run by very dedicated but also very busy volunteers. It might take a moment (or more than a moment, be patient, they have a huge back log)  to get matched, but do know that when you fill out the form you have started the process and that is at the very least one small step in the right direction.  One of the best things you to be even more proactive is to learn about injustice in your own community, it happens. I challenge you to find it, understand it and be open to being part of the change. You can even bring a name TO the project for quicker matching, since again.. run by very dedicated VOLUNTEERS. Get curious and informed by taking even 15 minutes each day to read about these topics in your area.

To find out more about the victims and programs addressing injustice in your area check out these organizations ( this is by NO MEANS a complete list.. keep digging)

Since Parkland 

The Umbrella Project

Trans Lives Matter


But perhaps you are short on time but have skipped a few runs through the fancy coffee drive-through and have some spare cash burning a hole in your pocket.. well I can help you with that as well!  How about some SJSA merch… personally I LOVE my inJUSTICE T-shirt, quite the conversation starter! CLICK ON AN ITEM TO GO SHOP!


As the weeks pass make sure to check back in to learn more ways to be part of positive and effective change for the wider world around you as well as interviews, product reviews, giveaways and new BAQS merch!

BadAss Quilters Society is devoted to the full lives of Socially Progressive quilters, not just quilting it self.

BAQS is a Movement.

A public community of socially progressive quilters who believe HealthCare is a Human Right. Black Lives Matter. Women’s Rights are Human Rights. No Human is Illegal. Science is REAL. Love is Love and we FULLY support the LGBTQ sewing community and other makers who are disenfranchised by other quilting groups. 

If this resonates with you, WELCOME, you have found your people!

Please help us grow even bigger by sharing this post on your favorite social media platforms.

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