
Wow, do I love my Cover Quilters and today is no exception.  As the mother of 5 boys ( and a girl!) I love seeing more and more men as part of the changing scene of quilting making this art form an equal opportunity adventure for all.   Dusty Farrell exemplifies all the good that men bring to the quilting world and his dedication to this art always makes me smile, not to mention that he is totally BadAss!

Watching Dusty quilt is no leisurely event, known for his fast and powerful quilting he amazes people no matter if he is quilting from “at home” at the quilt store that he and his wife  Stephanie own or out on the road at the multiple national quilt venues that he teaches at per year.

Dusty’s quilting adventure started in 2005 and has taken him from 100’s of commission quilts per year to being one of the most requested teachers at national  quilt shows. I am personally stalking him to find a time I can take a class… I could not be more excited!

You can check Dusty’s schedule here on the Country Stitchin website to see when he will be in your area and you can see more of Dusty’s work and get to know him better on his facebook page for the store.

Have you taken a class from Dusty?.. tell us what you loved about it!

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